

A tool for easily creating effective videos and streaming lessons

An innovative tool consisting of a special glass board surrounded by LEDs, combined with sophisticated video equipment, for a 360° e-learning experience.

The teacher appears and writes frontally facing the students, with the advantage of combining gesture, writing, and slides or videos. The result can be a recorded or live-streamed video.

Hand writings on the board is automatically reversed (with no need for the teacher to write contrariwise!). The possible slides can be added as with a usual presentation.

BoardOnAir™ is a glass marker-board that allows you to create videos while can physically facing the students – possibly including images and/or videos – and comment on them without any need for post-production work.

It is sufficient to start the recording and a possible slides presentation. Unlike chromakey studio shooting, here, the teacher can actually see what appears on the board, comment and underline it, and there is no need for further editing.

BoardOnAir™ is based on the open sourced project by Michael Peshkin of the Northwestern University. It was carried out by Carlo Mariconda and Alberto Tonolo of the Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita” of the University of Padua in collaboration with the illusionist Frank Cadillac, and it is commercialized by Audio Innova Srl, a spinoff of the University of Padua. It is already being used by the Padua University teachers to create numerous educational videos for courses and Moocs on the prestigious international platform Futurelearn:

Precalculus: the Mathematics of Numbers, Functions and Equations Advanced

Precalculus: Geometry, Trigonometry and Exponentials

An essential resource for e-learning and moocs

BoardOnAir’s unmatched immediacy allows to fastly produce Moocs and facilitates blended courses.


BoardOnAir avoids you any editing of the obtained videos.

Effective videos

The lecturer just needs to press a button at the beginning and end of the recording and write as on a normal blackboard. The video will immediately be ready for the release on a normal SD card.


Live broadcast of the shooting while recording is also possible.

Our Products

Boardonair Custom

(width tailored): ultraclear glass , storage shelf, containers for felt-tip pens and sponges, wooden framing delimiters, 5m(196’’) waterproof LEDs, wheels, solid iron frame. The model is equipped with WHEELS that allow you to move the board easily.

Boardonair XL

(width 220cm/94½): ultraclear glass 180X105cm(71X41’’), storage shelf, containers for felt-tip pens and sponges, wooden framing delimiters, 5m(196’’) waterproof LEDs, wheels, solid iron frame.

Press reviews









We invest in only the best technology

Giving you the finest quality is the mountain top of what we provide

Easy to use

The lecturer just needs to press a button at the beginning and end of the recording and write as on a normal blackboard. The video will immediately be ready for the release on a normal SD card.

Teaching and training

BoardOnAir is an effective technology for blending media material in courses, enriching the educational offer with easily achieved but high-end videos.

Effective videos

The lecturer just needs to press a button at the beginning and end of the recording and write as on a normal blackboard. The video will immediately be ready for the release on a normal SD card.

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